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Strike Security & Labor Unrest Services

Anticipating Threats

Many large businesses and organizations face the threat of strikes by labor unions. Although often simply a method of negotiation, strikes may endanger the safety and security of employees depending on how the events unfold. Based on your needs, we deploy trained personnel who are well aware of the legalities of strikes to ensure that events remain non-confrontational. This demands the utmost professionalism and experience in this arena. The goal of the AmeriCorp Security strike management officer is to ensure that assets and personnel are protected so that unions and management negotiators can make cognizant decisions. Our personnel are trained to follow the relevant laws pertaining to labor disputes and emergency response situations.

The AmeriCorp Edge

With several decades of experience in varied and dynamic settings, we have mastered the art of security to protect critical assets and mitigate risk while contributing to a professional atmosphere in such landscapes. These situations are unpredictable; hence, prompt and responsive action is mandatory. Our officers receive in-depth training on these issues to assure complete conformity with the law and extensive experience with the picket line. Positioned in visible locations and assisted by video surveillance systems, our officers can document picket in real time to prevent problems behaviors well before they occur. Expected or unexpected, a strike calls for immediate response; hence, our officers are equipped to secure your facilities and deter strike-related violence.

Security For All

Careful selection, in-depth training, and ongoing guidance coaching assure that our personnel maintain a professional yet calm attitude, besides maintaining the utmost integrity and proficiency at what they do. Also, mastering the latest technological applications gives our officers the upper edge in cases of violent confrontation to deploy de-escalation methods in real time.

Our Mission

We have our systems set up for advance planning, threat assessment, and crowd control as part of emergency readiness. Our hiring process is among the most arduous in the industry. This permits us to offer expertise and careful supervision at all levels of security management. When you trust us, you can rest assured that the safety of your people and your assets are in safe hands.

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